Re-connect with your authentic self....

… and create the life you want with unwavering confidence.

1:1 Psychological Coaching

Knowing who you are and being in touch with your emotions will liberate you.

Re-connecting to yourself means embracing the whole range of human emotions. Without judging yourself – standing deeply grounded in compassion and self-acceptance.

Investigating what it means to be YOU brings up your full potential. It boosts your confidence and energy to overcome life’s challenges. It leads your way by revealing your heart’s desires and awakening your most authentic self.

My mission is to support you in tapping into and realigning your inner self – to live the life you want.

I will help you to …

  • learn to get in touch with your true inner state: your emotions, thought patterns, and your intuition – so you can get a sense of clarity regarding your true desires and your life’s vision.

  • let go of self-imposed limitations and courageously transform your life into one full of purpose.

  • develop the strength to live your authentic life free from outside influence – owning the strength to stand in your truth and set healthy boundaries.

  • strike a sustainable work-life balance by developing a healthy and supportive lifestyle
  • recognize and embrace your needs and learn to communicate them effortlessly so that your relationships improve and strengthen.

  • own and take responsibility for your life so that you know how to confidently deal with any situation life throws at you.

  • embrace your emotions and befriend them free from judgment to feel a stronger sense of self-acceptance and self-compassion.

  • be present in the here & now and stop the unproductive cycles of overthinking so that you can connect to your intuition and let the capacity to trust it grow.

Most often we are moved by reactive thoughts which are deeply rooted in our belief systems. We are trapped in self-limiting repetitive patterns. The outcome is a sense of being “cut off” or lost. We find ourselves detached from our true being and the pulse of life. We are stuck, blinded to the possibilities of life and our aliveness within.

For some, this looks like staying in a career we don’t enjoy, or never taking that international trip we’ve had on our bucket list forever. Whatever it is for you, know that you’re not trapped in your patterns, you can change and free yourself from what holds you back.

My psychological coaching is designed to help you investigate and overcome the limitations you have unconsciously set for yourself. It allows you to enter a journey of breaking your self-imposed boundaries. It is a journey of re-empowerment, of claiming your power back. Discovering your authentic living desire and your life’s purpose.

Feel confident and at ease moving towards the life you want:
I will give you practical advice and we will work out a tangible action plan for the next steps of your journey.

“Judith is positive and motivating. Practical and flexible. She doesn’t need to convince you, she just proves her skills and her competence with her attitude and life choices. Working with her I had the chance to exit many mental patterns and to start looking outside my self-imposed limits. Teaching me the importance of boundaries and personal space, she reminded me about the joy that I can experience in any context of my life and about the enthusiasm that we, as grownups, can bring in the daily activities we choose. Starting from the most important one: respecting and loving ourselves in the purest way.”

Marta, Italy

A safe space for you to be and break away from the old –
Holding a non-judgmental space for you

I’m here to stand by your side and hold space for you.

Here, your words are acknowledged, your presence is validated and your authenticity is celebrated. This is a safe space that allows you to completely be yourself. Your struggles, your achievements, and your insights are uniquely yours and will always remain confidential. I take your journey seriously, embracing every aspect of you — thus empowering you to do the same.

For me, your words matter, your existence matters, and your true self matters.

This is for you,

if you aspire to take the lead of your life, navigate it confidentially towards deeper satisfaction, greater fulfillment, and a sense of ease and joy. You’ll feel in charge over your life by recognizing your true self and establishing a strong connection to your emotions, needs and authentic desires.

My holistic approach –
A diversity of techniques for your well-being

Many years of experience in the field made it obvious to me that a single healing approach is not enough.

We are complex individuals. Depending on what your path requires, my holistic and highly individualized coaching approach employs a whole range of supporting techniques: Incorporating western psychological methods and ancient eastern paths of healing, it is designed to deeply transform your inner world. It also offers you hands-on tools for your personal growth.

As an emotional empath and attentive listener, I have the ability to see, feel and understand people in all their complexity. This innate sensitivity fosters a deep understanding of complicated feelings and relationships. My sincerity and down-to-earth nature ground this work in an approachable and accessible way.

I’m certified in psychological counseling and coaching. I’m trained in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Systemic Conflict Management, Burnout & Stress Management & Resilience, Somatic Bodywork & Bioenergetic, Mindfulness Training, Money Mindset, EFT Tapping, Parts Work (Internal Family System -IFS), Authentic Relating Practices and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

As you begin your journey back to your true self, you will soon start to see your relationships improve with others and most importantly with yourself.

Are you ready for your own healing & transformation journey?

Are you ready to have the confidence to be yourself and live your most authentic life?

Schedule your free discovery call, where we discuss your needs so that I can tailor & offer your highly individualized coaching program to you.

1:1 Coaching Session — 60 mins € 145

The sessions are held via online video call.

I’m excited about getting to know you and embarking on a journey back to your true self with you.

What my clients are saying…